Sunday, March 31, 2013

Christ the Lord is risen today! Hallelujah!!

6.30 a.m. we had our Sunrise Service at the balcony facing the main road. The band was on duty to accompany the singing. One doctor living  at Glendale could hear our music and came to the meeting. He told me later he wished he had known we were holding the sunrise service, he certainly would attend. He assured me he would join us next year. We had a large attendance this year.

I seems most years we have been invited to other churches to preach on Easter Sunday, but this year we did not receive any invite so we worshipped at our own church downstairs.

After the sunrise service we adjourned to the Fellowship Hall to have our Easter breakfast. There was plenty of food available - nasi lemak, fried beehoon, plus fried chicken, porridge, Indian Chennai plus curry and western breakfast. So folk could take their pick - Chinese, Indian, or western. We are not used to a heavy meal, so we kept to corn flakes and bread.

After breakfast it was time for fellowship games and fun. We decided to take a rest in our own flat upstairs so did not join in the fellowship. We had been awake since 4.00 a.m. and felt we needed a little time to ourselves in our home before joining the folk for worship at 10.00 a.m.

The service lasted more than an hour and a half. I  took part in praying. After the meeting one sister asked if she could have a copy of my prayer. I had to disappoint her as I do not write my prayers. I've been taught through the years to have extempore prayers. Nothing wrong to read one's prayers, most people seem to do so these days, but we've been brought up in the old fashioned Salvation Army way. We may be called upon to pray anytime without notice. In the olden days, the officer or whoever was  leading would say something like this, "After singing the prayer chorus, the meeting is open to anyone to lead us in prayer" or "After the chorus, I call upon Brother So and So or Sister So and So to pray." We just got up and pray.

Well we had a good Sunday - this Easter Day! Christ the Lord is risen today Hallelujah!

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