Friday, March 10, 2017

The Basin and the towel

My wife and I met Commissioner and Mrs. Edward Read many times in International Conferences and we became good friends. I used to read his Bible studies in the Canadian War Cry. How they blessed me through the years.

We kept up a correspondence for a number of years. Here is one of the poems He sent me and I still have it pasted at the back of my old Song Book. In my personal devotion this morning, I sang it again to the tune "Brantwood" What blessings I received as I pondered over the beautiful song. I have not come across this beautiful poem in print and I thought I would share it with friends especially during this season in Lent.

The Basin and the towel.

The basin and the towel and Jesus on His knees,
What graciousness is here, what holy mysteries.
How needs of mine assail me when I watched the Master and His men.
Such love He bore His own, all selfless to the end,

To take the servant’s part, o’er dusty feet to bend.
And girded with humility He kneels to minister to me.
His lowliness is might, His meekness majesty,
His holy hands can touch a traitor lovingly!

Let pride be broken when it sees the kingly love upon His knees.
The basin brims with grace as Jesus comes again;
He holds the towel to me to serve men in His name.
To share such Christly ministries I can but fall upon my knees.
Edward Read