Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday

What a blessed time we had this morning at our Combined Good Friday meeting held at the Central Corps (church) auditorium. The church was full to overflowing.

The combined band (William Booth and Central) under the leadership of David Lim played well. After the prelude and call to worship we all joined in the singing of that song of praise, "O for a thousand tongues to sing my great Redeemer's praise."

The worship team was led by Rachel Lim. The pieces sung were "This is our God" and "How great is our God" and "Thank You for the cross."  It was good to include these contemporary songs that catered for the younger generation. If the church is to survive we need to be relevant.  Even the older folk entered fully into worship; singing enthusiastically, raising hands in praise to God and clapping.  I was truly blessed by the singing and playing of the Central Corps Worship team.

We were blessed by the two testimonies, the first speaker was Pauline Lee who spoke about the fear and trepidation she had when she was first employed at Kallang Centre. And now after serving there for some time, she really felt a sense of fulfilment. New people, young, middle age and elderly have been brought to the Army. A number have accepted the Lord and on Easter Sunday 31st March, quite a few adults and children will be enrolled as soldiers of the Balestier Corps. Balestier is now a thriving church. We were there on Palm Sunday and what a blessing we received as we ministered to the folk. Yes, Pauline's  testimony - "Christ the dearest name to me" blessed the people in the congregation.

The other testimony was from Timothy Ooi, son of John and Esther Ooi, long time members of Balestier. We know the parents well, I grew up with John in the Balestier area. Esther has been working as staff nurse in Peacehaven and in recent months work only part time, so that she can devote the rest of the week in ministry at Kallang and Balestier. Timothy now goes to Changi Corps where he has a special ministry in the sound system. He testified of the trauma he went through after a fall and the healing he received. His subject was "I could not do without Him" Yes, none of us can do without Christ our Lord.

Our Chief Secretary, Lieut. Colonel Lyndon Buckingham gave an excellent message that touched our hearts. We knew his parents, and he really preaches like his father Commissioner Hilmon Buckingham who was promoted to Glory some years ago.

When the appeal was given many seekers came forward to the Mercy Seat. That was a sight to behold people moving forward to the Mercy Seat and seeking the Lord at the foot of the cross as the congregation sang, "Jesus, thou art everything to me."

The meeting ended with a song of praise, "All hall the power of Jesus' name, let angels prostrate fall."

We left the hall for home singing praises to God for a giving us the privilege of sharing in worship on this Good Friday. Great is our God.

We give thanks to God that our three grandchildren are active in this vibrant church. It was good to see our grandson David and grand daughter Rachel leading the Combined Band and the Worship team respectively. It was a joy to see them in action, using their musical talents.

The combined choir led by Captain Zane Haupt sang the beautiful song - "At Calvary" with its refrain, "Mercy there was great and grace was free,
               Pardon there was multiplied for me;
              There my burdened soul found liberty
                  At Calvary"

We give thanks to the pastors, Majors Paul and Stephanie Herring (New Zealanders) who are very caring and whenever we mentioned to her about our grandchildren she always says, "I love them to bits!" They are true shepherds of God's flock and we give thanks to God for them.

To me it was one of the best Good Friday meetings I've ever attended. The meeting was well planned,  and well timed, the speakers and music were good and God glorifying.  To God be the glory.

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