Friday, April 28, 2017

Go back to the old wells

Go Back to the old wells.

Abraham, as he passed through the land dug wells of water. He did that to meet the needs in his day and to pass them down to his son Isaac as well as future generations.

However, the Philistines came and plugged these wells to prevent Isaac from using them. The Philistines did not want Isaac to have them.

Isaac took time and effort to reopen those wells!

These old wells speak to us of the spiritual resources that our spiritual forefathers have left us. If we are not careful, the world will destroy everything that we have been given! Many of the wells from which our fathers drank have already been stopped in some places..

Our spiritual forefathers opened for us the wells of Scripture, of salvation, of sanctification, of service, of the great fundamental doctrines of the faith! And the world has come along a tried to stop them. Liberalism has tried to change our beliefs! There is a need right now for God’s people to re-dig the wells that the world has tried to destroy! We must contend for the old ways, the old truths and if we do not, these will die when we do!

This year marks the 50th Anniversary Year of General Orsborn’s promotion to Glory. He has been described as the poet General. He wrote many songs and poems. Let me share this old chorus with you.

Go back to the old wells
Where the waters are sweet;
Go back to the old wells
Where joy and duty meet.
The waters of the old wells
Will your spirit restore;
Go right back to the dear old wells,
Leave them no more.

It is a pity that we do not sing these choruses any more. In my quiet time, I sit at the keyboard and enjoy singing such choruses. They bring me much blessing.