Saturday, May 28, 2016

Redeeming the time.

Where has all the time gone? Come 30th May I'll be 84! I am praying this beautiful prayer written by Charles Wesley, one of my favorite hymn writers.

I would the precious time redeem,

And longer live for this alone,
To spend, and to be spent for them
Who have not yet my Saviour known;
Fully on them my labours prove,
And only breathe to breathe thy love.

Monday, May 23, 2016

May 20th 2016 - A day to remember

My wife had not been well for a week and on 20th May she was in such a state of pain that Madam Low Mui Lang had to take her to the A & E Changi General Hospital nearby.

I could not accompany her as I had an appointment at the same hospital on the same day to have surgery on my thumb. It is healing well and I know it is not "just sticking out like a sore thumb." It is a sore thumb with stitches yet to be removed. Everyday our nurses at Peacehaven visit me to dress it. God bless our nurses.

What a coincidence for both of us to have surgery on the same day. Mine was done in the afternoon at about 1.00 p.m. One of the Peacehaven nurses Melsi who was off duty volunteered to accompany me. She patiently spent the whole day supporting me and seeing to my needs.

My wife had her surgery on that day for appendicitis and is still in hospital on the road to recovery. We think she will be discharged soon.

God has been good. In life we have our pains and gains that we must learn to accept. We are assured, we are His hands.

Monday, May 16, 2016

"Lord, send the fire"

The Holy Spirit Comes at Pentecost

When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. Acts 2:1-4

"Thou Christ of burning, cleansing flame,
Send the fire, Send the fire!
To burn up every trace of sin,
To bring the light and glory in,
The revolution now begin,
Send the fire. (William Booth)

Fire and wind are two of the many symbols of the Holy Spirit.

Samuel Chadwick  wrote, "The supreme need of the church is fire. The one persistent prayer of them that 'cry and sigh' baptism of the Spirit is for the fiery baptism of Pentecost. Spirit filled souls are ablaze for God. They love with the love of that glows. They believe with the faith that kindles. They serve with the devotion that consumes. They hate with the sin with a fierceness that burns." (The Way to Pentecost)

Soldiers of Jesus Christ, let the Holy Spirit fill you and be on fire for God!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Welcome to Elias our first great grandson

We welcome our first great-grandson Elias on 10th May 2016! We thank God for his safe arrival at Singapore General Hospital. Christine our grand- daughter-in-law is well.

God has been good in giving us three children, six grandchildren, and now one great grandson. Four of our grandchildren have graduated and are now gainfully employed and happy in their jobs. And the most important they love the Lord. Two are still studying.

Never in our wildest imagination have we ever dreamed of of seeing this day - see a great grandchild.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Visit to Batam, Indonesia - 30th April - 2nd May 2016

At our age, we are somewhat reluctant to leave the comfort of our own home and go to another country. In our life time, we had travelled much especially during the last four years as the International Secretary for South Pacific and East Asia prior to retirement. Altogether, we had visited 26 countries and lived in six during our active officership.

Anyway, we  responded positively to an invitation to join a group to visit Batam, Indonesia. They Army has started work on this island. So on 30th April, Madam Low Mui Lang, Ivoine Tang, Helen Ho, my wife and myself formed the group.

We left on Saturday and spent the weekend there. Monday being Labour Day was a public holiday in Singapore. The ferry was crowded, but we got there safely. We were warmly welcomed by the officers and taken to one of the Outposts where we had the welcome meal given by the hospitable Indonesians.

We went to our Hotel some distance away - Hotel Punuin. We had a good night's sleep and woke up early to have breakfast. We attended the Sunday morning meeting at the Outpost.  I was asked  to give my testimony. I complied and spoke in Malay which is similar to Indonesians. Madam Low also testified.

It was a good meeting conducted by the Corps Officers - the wife led and husband gave the message in Indonesian. He kept on emphasizing on our One Army, One Mission that is to proclaim the message of Jesus Christ. After the meeting, we were treated to a lovely lunch provided by Indonesian salvationists. They came from different parts of the country as far as Jakarta and Palu.

That evening we were taken to another Outpost. The officers informed us that they hope to purchase the adjoining land and build our church. The building was made of wood and zinc, very simple structure. The attendance was good. My wife was asked to give her testimony. This time Captain Eko Wandono led the meeting and his wife gave a powerful message.

In between meetings were  able to tour the island.

By the time we got back to the hotel it was quite late, We had to be up very early at 5-00 am. and left the hotel at 5.30 a.m. without breakfast. The van took us to the harbour where we boarded the 7.20 a.m. ferry for home.

Well the best part of the roaming is the homing. We had a lovely weekend, Praise be to God.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

John and Narrelle Rees

What a thrill to see John and Narrelle Rees once again. We first met them in 1970 when we were appointed to Singapore Central Corps as the pastors in January 1970 - 46 years ago! 

They arrived on Saturday 30th April, the day we left for Batam Indonesia. They took part in the meetings at Central. John brought his cornet and played in the band. Ng Seng Chow used to play in the Central band with them. At that time most of the bandsmen were from overseas serving in Singapore like John.

What a joy to have them for lunch and fellowship in our home on Tuesday. Memories of our days spent together in Singapore and later in Australia.

A few weeks earlier David and Christine Rees visited us and we spent a very pleasant afternoon together . David is the twin brother of John.