Sunday, August 12, 2012

Bible study and worship

In our Bible study this morning we focussed our thoughts on Jephthah in Judges 11. This is our 20th lesson on the Book of Judges.

Jephthah an illegitimate son of Gilead was chased out of the family by his half brothers. He suffered because of the greed, selfishness and materialism of others and not for any wrong that he had done. He lived the life of an outcast and became the leader of a group of adventurers or ‘vain men’ as the Bible describes them. I think they were like Robin Hood and his merry men, robbing the rich and helping the poor.

Jephthah could have taken this ostracism and rejection that his life was over. However when his family and nation were desperate for a leader they ate humble pie and asked for his return to save the nation. They had asked him to leave, but now in desperation they wanted him to return to be their leader. God used him in a mighty way to deliver his people from the enemy the Ammonites.

Often great potential is wasted because of prejudice and greed. Let us look at the potential Jephthahs around us. God loves them and can use them for His glory.

After Bible class we joined others in worship at the main hall. The theme was “Making room for Life’s greatest gift.” Major Ruth Pascoe based her message on the Rich Young Ruler (Mark 10: 17-31. Nothing must come between us and the Lord. He deserves 100% commitment of our lives to him. She used a number of illustrations and one that many will remember is this story.

One day the cow, the hen and the pig as they walked along the road were discussing their contribution to the breakfast table. The cow said, “Think of it everyday I contribute nourishing milk for humans to drink.”

The hen added, “My contribution to keep humans alive – eggs. Think of the number of egg humans consume in a day. We chickens make a big contribution.”

The pig had the last word, “You merely made contribution, but I provide bacon. Yours is only a contribution, mine is total sacrifice.”

It is good to join fellow believers in God’s house to worship. Thank God for this freedom and privilege.

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