Friday, July 12, 2013

Salt of the earth

The 40-Day Devotional produced by Love Singapore is a gem!! I've been blessed and blessed over and over again!

"You are the salt of the earth, but if the salt has lost its taste, how can its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything, but is thrown out and trampled under foot" Matthew 5: 13

Having given us instructions on principles and qualities that make Christians distinctive, our Lord now tells us what it means to behave as followers of Christ. What can of impact do we have in the society we are in? What is Christian behaviour?

We cannot survive without salt can we? Salt in our food makes a big difference. It adds taste or gives it a distinctive flavour. A Christian's presence at home, in society wherever he may be should provide that distinctive goodness that speaks about Christ living in him.

Long before the discovery of refrigeration, our ancestors used salt to preserve food, hence we have salted eggs, salted vegetables, salted meat etc. Salt arrests corruption.

Allow me to quote from the 40 day devotional.

"Salt does not exist for itself.
It has three main functions. It seasons. It purifies. It preserves. It enhances the taste of food and prevents it from going bad. In the same way the disciples of the kingdom do not exist for themselves, but make a difference in the world- a difference you can taste."

What a responsibility to be salt in the little area call earth! If we fail, salt losing its distinctiveness as salt, it becomes 'good for nothing' to be rejected, thrown out and be trampled under the feet of people.

Lord, help me not be become a 'spiritual reject.' Keep me by your grace and help me to be salt.

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