Wednesday, July 3, 2013

40 Day 2013 - Future Perfect

I must admit the Devotional produced by "Love Singapore" is one of the best devotionals I've ever used and I certainly look forward to receiving it every year. I know it is written for the 40 days leading to National Day. I wish we could have this for the whole year. This year the writer takes out thoughts to 'the Sermon on the Mount.'  Yes, I've read it many times, and have preached sermons on this wonderful sermon.. Each time I read the Sermon on the Mount I receive blessings.

It was Dr. Samuel Johnson who once said something to the effect that we all need to be reminded of what we already know than to be taught new things. I listen to sermons every week, preach sermons often, but really I am not saying anything new. It is as the song writer days, "Tell me the old, old story for I forget so soon."

The King James version uses the word "blessed" - I love that word. Some translators use the word "happy.' Frankly I prefer that word 'blessed' to any other word.

Another writer said, "The Beatitudes' should be thought of as 'be-attitudes'-what we are called to be. I think it should become our 'mind set' -to have the mind or attitude of Christ.

The Beatitudes seem to turn upside down our modern values which people of our day and generation hold dear.

Read Bishop Henson's parody of  the Beatitudes.

"Blessed are they who have high notion of their own rights, for they shall secure deference and high regard.
Blessed are the light-hearted and the unthinking, for they shall enjoy life.
Blessed are the ambitious for they shall rise in the world.
Blessed are the opportunists, for they shall escape disaster.
Blessed are the close-fisted, for they shall make money.
Blessed are the self indulgent, for they shall make the most of life.
Blessed are the litigious and self assertive, for they shall inherit the earth.
Blessed are the time-serving, for they shall be honoured.

Take a look at Kingdom values as recorded in the first beatitude.

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5: 3
Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. Luke 6: 20
You're blessed when you are at the end of your rope. With less of you, there is more of God and His rule. (The Message)

Isaiah 57:15 says, "The dwelling place of God - in Heaven and also in the humble heart. The gospel begins with a spirit which recognises insufficiency of self and dependence on Another - God.

Let me quote from the devotional this suggested prayer. "Lord, bless the ministry of your Word in this city with revelation that majors on Jesus and deeply impacts all listeners and learners."

If you do not have a copy, get one from your pastor. You won't regret using it.

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