Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Faith Support System - a necessity

Discouragement affects us all at some time or other. Sometimes we are physically and emotionally tired we are tempted to give up. There are times when our best plans fall apart after we have put in plenty of effort. We get frustrated and give up and the sad part is to give up our faith in God. That’s tragic.

We all need a Faith support system. Friends need each other, family members need each other. All of us regardless of age, race or culture need encouragement that comes from this Faith Support system. Let’s find time to give our family and friends some form of Faith support system. Sadly friends, siblings, church members have grown apart for not having some system of connecting with each other to encourage one another. Get together for a fellowship meal.

We can learn a lot from the Early Church. The folk met in the homes of the people to pray together. They prayed with each other, they prayed for each other. They worshipped and praised the Lord together. They confessed their faults, sins, hurts to one another. They shared  each other’s burdens. To put it simply they loved one another and provided that Faith support system. "Bear each other's burdens and in this way fulfil the law of Christ" Galatians 6: 2

We should learn from the Early Church and have support system for our church. “Cell groups” or “small groups” “house groups” are essential for every church.

It's vitally important that we build a good support system to help us when we find ourselves in the middle of a spiritual struggle. Find people we can trust - people who are going to support and not become a hindrance in our fight.

Satan thrives on the ‘divide and rule’ approach. Battles won alone, without the help of others are few and far between. Keep connected to the support system, whether it's the band, singing group, the choir, the worship team, women or men’s fellowship group or cell group.

What is holding people back from joining a support group? No time! I suggest make time for that which is important. Busyness seems to be a part of our culture. We allow it to control our lives. We rush from one place to another. We plunge into our emails, sms’s, meetings and fellowships with such speed that we allow no time for thought or reflection. We have little or no time to give to friends and family.

Yes, all of us are busy but if we are too busy to make time for God and spend time with fellow believers, we are indeed too busy!

Help us to help each other, Lord,
each other's cross to share;
let each our friendly aid afford
and feel each other's care.

Help us to build each other up,
Our little stock improve;
Increase our faith, confirm our hope,
And perfect us in love. (Charles Wesley)

1 comment:

  1. "This is my story" needs to be collected and published :)
    Love this blog, blessings to you and Mrs Lim.

