Monday, May 28, 2012

Bible Study - Dare to be different - 3

Last Saturday, I concluded with the third in the series of studies on the Life of Joseph.
Events moved very quickly. Joseph was released from prison and after interpreting Pharaoh's dreams Joseph gave Pharaoh a survival plan for the next fourteen years. Only 30 years old, Joseph was made in charge of the country's affairs, he was only second to the Pharaoh. He saved the nation from starvation.

The famine spread and before long his brothers were in Egypt looking for food.  His brothers were soon brought into his presence. What an opportunity to get even for the pain and hardship they had caused Joseph.

His Disposition was different
The world lives in the spirit of "an eye for any eye, a tooth for a tooth." It is inherent in human nature to want to take revenge or to retaliate.

After putting his brothers through a series of tests, he discovered the change in their attitude. Judah the brother who had stepped forward with the plan to sell Joseph (37:27) now came forward to take Benjamin's punishment so that Benjamin could return to the father. Now Joseph was convinced his brothers had changed for the better.

Joseph could no longer control himself (45: 1) What a dramatic moment when events reached a climax with the revelation, "I am Joseph!" The response met with silence. We are told "His brothers could not answer him for they were dismayed  (literally terrified) at his presence." Joseph did not just revealed his identity, but he revealed also his perspective. "You sold me... but God sent me." (45:5)  Seeing God at work in his life had prevented him from being bitter. We today have the assurance of Romans 8: 28 " And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. "

Joseph  has given us a wonderful model of forgiveness. Forgiveness is not easy - it is not overlooking the wrong, nor excusing the wrong, nor minimising the wrong. "The miracle of forgiving is the creation of a new beginning. It does not always take away the hurt. It does not deny the past injury. It merely refuses to let them stand in the way of a new start. (Lewis B Smedes) Amazing grace how sweet the sound. A greater than Joseph nailed to the cross prayed the prayer of forgiveness for those who had cruelly put Him there. The world has its standards, but as Christians let us dare to be different and practise the standards of Christ - the disposition to forgive.

"The two primary causes of emotional stress are the failure to forgive and the failure to receive forgiveness." David Seaman in "Healing for Damaged emotions."

His Destiny made him different
Joseph was thrown into the pit, then into prison, and ended up in the palace! All the time, the Lord was with him.

We have a greater destiny than that. We were lifted up out of the horrible pit, the pit of sin. We were delivered from the prison of despair and "To him who overcomes, I will give him the right to sit with me on the throne, just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on His throne." Rev, 3: 21
"You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth." Isaiah 61: 6

John writting Revelation in exile on the island of Patmos desires to encourage his audience who lived under severe persecution gives us wonderful pictures of the destiny of believers. We shall reign forever with Him who sits upon the throne.

Secrets of Fruitfulness in the life of Joseph.
Fellowship with God. Joseph enjoyed unbroken fellowship with God. Gen. 37: 5, 9;  39: 2, 21, 40: 8
Favour with God and man. Gen. 37: 3,  39: 4, 21;   41: 39-41
Faithfulness in his responsibilities. Gen. 37: 2. 39: 6, 22, 23
Fear of God Gen. 39: 7-20
Forgiving nature. Gen. 50: 19-21,  40: 14-15

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