Monday, February 27, 2012

Preached at William Booth Corps

In the absence of the Corps Officer, (pastor) Major Pascoe, my wife and I conducted the meeting at the William Booth Corps (church) where we belong. Normally we sit in the congregation, but last Sunday, we found ourselves on the platform leading the worship. We thank God for the privilege and the strength to do continue in this ministry.

Despite the fact that a number of regular folk were away, we still had a good congregation around 200 people. I was not feeling a hundred per cent, but the managed to get through the meeting.

It was Family Sunday, so we had children to take part as well. They sang some old choruses like "Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world" and "Joy is the flag". It's been ages since I heard these old children's songs.

The worship team sang two old time favourites "Majesty, worship His Majesty" followed by "Just a closer walk with Thee"

The Songsters sang that beautiful Song, "I'll not turn back" which relates well with the theme of the meeting.

"If crosses come, if it should cost me dearly
To be the servant of my Servant Lord;
If darkness falls around the path of duty,
And men despise the Saviour I've adored.

I'll not turn back whatever it may cost;
I'm called to live, to love and save the lost.
I'll not turn back whatever it may cost,
I'm called to live, to love and save the lost.

If doors should close then other doors will open,
The word of God can never be contained.
His love cannot be finally frustrated,
By narrow minds or prison bars restrained.

If tears should fall, if I am called to suffer,
If all I love men should deface, defame,
I'll not deny the One that I have followed,
Nor be ashamed to bear my Master's name. (John Gowans)

I was greatly touched to hear this beautiful song sung with much feeling. It related to the subject I had chosen for this first Sunday in Lent - The Temptations of Jesus.
Satan would want to get our Lord to turn back, but no, He fought temptation in the wilderness and came out victorious.

"No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it." 1 Cor. 10: 13

"Yield not to temptation,for yielding in sin, Each victory will help you some other to win" So let us "Ask the Saviour to help you, comfort strengthen and keep you. He is willing to aid you. He will carry you through."

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