Thursday, February 23, 2012


"O I forgot" - how often I hear these words spoken by the old, the middle age and the young.

Frankly, I've lost many books, CD's, tapes etc because friends borrowed and forgot to return.

The worst thing in life is to forget God and the blessings He bestowed upon us. Some tips for not forgetting.

1 Interest. We rarely forget the thing we are interested in. Courting couples remember their dates, because these dates are uppermost in their minds and not pushed into the sub-conscious.

If you are really a book lover, you will remember to read the book you borrowed and also the one who loaned it to you. Make sure you return it to him for it belongs to him. Don't be a "book-keeper" (I mean retainer) It is not yours.

Why do people forget God? Lack of love for Him. He loves us, let us love Him in return. Show your love for Him and interested in the things of His Kingdom.

2.Association. One of the secrets of remembering is association. Dr Dale Carnegie uses this method and recommends it to his students. We need to associate God with every area of our life. It is sad that many people draw a line of demarcation between the spiritual and physical or material. We matter to God and He matters to us in this life and the next.

Repetition. The oft repeated thing is a thing well remembered. If our worship of God is spasmodic, off and on, or just in times of emergency, then God is easily forgotten. Regular church attendance and fellowship with believers, listening to His word, prayers, all these help us to draw near to God.

Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless his holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits. Psalm 103: 2

1 comment:

  1. Hi Commissioner,

    I love books/CDs too! So much so that I give them away at every opportunity. Friends who don't return, I usually hope it benefited them as much as it did for me, and just view it as a gift to them. If I need it again I will ask for it back.
