Sunday, March 4, 2012

World Day of Prayer

My wife and I attended the World Day of Prayer at the Telok Ayer Methodist Church last Saturday. Our Territorial Band was on duty and they played well. Our two grandchildren, David and Rachel were in the band and we felt very proud of them.

The service was conducted in three languages - English, Chinese and Tamil.

The Rev. Lim-Sim Swee Kee from the Baptist Theological College gave an excellent message on the subject "Let Justice Prevail." It was one of the best sermons I've heard for a long time. She was ably interpreted by Dr. Lee Swi Hong also from the same college.

The World Day of Prayer Singapore also celebrated its 60th Anniversary, so it was a time of celebration and thanksgiving to God.

The World Day of Prayer is a world wide movement which started in the United States in 1875 and brings together people of various races, cultures and traditions in more than 170 countries and regions to observe a common day of prayer on the first Friday or Saturday of March each year.

In the 1970's Mrs. Lieut. Colonel Grace Sloan, wife of the Officer Commanding Lient. Colonel James Sloan was a member of the committee and when we were appointed to Singapore Central Corps, she used to take my wife to these meetings. Gradually she passed on the responsibility to my wife who served for many years in the Committee until 1983 when we left the country for Hong Kong. The Sloans were godly people and influenced us greatly. We give thanks to God for such saints. Both of them are now with the Lord in heaven and one day we shall meet them. What a great day it will be.

So it was wonderful for us to meet these World Day of prayer ladies yesterday. We cherish memories of our days working with church people.

It used to be called Women's World Day of Prayer, but nowadays, it is just simply World Day of Prayer and men a included.

The Order of Service this year was planned by Women of Malaysia. Next year women in France will prepare the programme. The Theme given is "I was a stranger and you welcomed Me."

I was glad I went with my wife. I was truly blessed by interacting with members of other denominations and listening to the sermon.

One thing that somewhat marred the service in the beginning was the intrusion of the shofar players who started blowing their shofars while the band was still playing their piece. This cacophony of sounds created a terrible discord that jarred the ears of many! In their enthusiasm and eagerness to play the shofar, they took no notice of the band which was still playing.

I had to pray hard that I do not allow that intrusion to spoil my worship and relationship with the Lord.

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