Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Yesterday and today

Yesterday I spent my time getting rid of things, some for RSI if I deemed them usable, others into the rubbish chute. Yesterday is gone, thrown away like an old garment I had. Yes, I recall the day it was given me, a gift from a good friend. I used it for years, till it was torn, threadbare not fit for anyone to use except as a rag. It had to be thrown away.

I cannot keep my yesterdays, I cannot live in the past; I can look back and learn lessons from my yesterdays, but like the old garment it's gone. I cannot have yesterday back.

I must live today, fresh from God, full of opportunities, duties, responsibilities, obligations, joys and sorrows and pain, all part of the blessings from God. Not all the so called nice things are blessings, not all the bad things are curses. Bane and blessing come to us to make us and prepare us for heaven.

I cannot use the old garment called yesterday, but use the new garment called today, the now, the present. I thank God for this new day, the day He has made, a gift from my heavenly Father.

By the end of this day, when my weary eye lids close for the night and sleep overtakes me, my day is gone. I wake up in the morning to a new day and I praise the Lord, "This is day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it."

My prayer, "Lord thank you for yesterday and the days previous to that. I've learned some valuable lessons from my yesterdays, but I know you won't give me back. They are gone, gone for ever, but today is mine and You and I will be together for this day. Give me wisdom and grace to live the day to your glory. Amen.

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