Saturday, January 14, 2012

Colonel Mrs. Alice Lau.

What great time of fellowship and feasting we had today with Colonel Mrs. Alice Lau of Hong Kong, her son Michael and our son and family. Mrs. Lau described this as a 'reunion dinner.' That's true as it is quite close to our Lunar New Year and about a week's time we shall be having reunion dinner.

I know it's not New Year Eve, but what does it matter; it is the spirit of the occasion that counts. We were sorry Gina was not able to join us as she on duty at the Hospital where she works.

We first came to know Captain and Mrs. James Lau and their two children Michael and Kenneth when we took up our appointment in Hong Kong/Taiwan in 1983.How the years have flown. We visited Taiwan Division as it was called then and were warmly welcomed by Captain and Mrs. Lau, as they were then. Michael was only about 11 and Kenneth 9 or 10 years old. After the welcome at Taipei Central Corps, they took us round the Division travelling as far south as Tainan. We had a great time.

The next year, they farewelled and came to Hong Kong as the Field Secretary and we worked together at the Command Headquarters until the General appointed them to Singapore, he, Major James Lau then as the General Secretary and Mrs. Lau responsible for women's ministries.

In 1993, they were reappointed to Hong Kong, this time as the Officer Commanding with the rank of Lieut. Colonel.

They left their two children, Michael and Kenneth behind in Singapore. Michael has remained here since and even took up Singapore citizenship and married a Filipino Nurse Gina who worked at Peacehaven. Today she is employed by the National University Hospital of Singapore.

Kenneth completed his studies in US and to day he and his American wife lived there.
We thank God for friends who have enriched our lives.

"Win new friends but keep the old. The first are silver; the latter gold." ~ Author Unknown

"We need old friends to help us grow old and new friends to help us stay young." ~ Letty Cottin Pogrebin

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