Monday, January 23, 2012

New Year traditions and supersitions

We woke up the usual time this morning, the first day of Chinese New Year. We did our usual exercise, went for our morning walk in our compound. It was unusually quiet, as most people were still asleep after a late night on New Year Eve.

In my younger days, we used to stay up late to welcome the New Year. As mentioned in an earlier blog, I used to attend the Chinese New Year Watchnight Service at Balestier Corps (church)

After breakfast at 7.00 a.m. we did our devotions. Then I began to sweep and mop the floor, something I was not allowed to do when we were children. After New Year Eve, the brooms would be kept away, and no one was allowed to touch till after the third day. This was to prevent us from sweeping away the blessings or luck as we used to call them. We laugh at such superstition, but it was a tradition I was brought up.

As I swept, my mind went back to my childhood days. Memories are indeed precious. Lots of traditions we still keep, some mere superstitions, we swept them away.

The word of God guides us. God's Holy Spirit enlightens us. That is the reason I make it a point to read God's word and have my daily devotions early in the morning. A good maxim to follow - Begin the day with God.

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