Thursday, October 8, 2009

Moon Festival

We have been receiving moon cakes, thanks to our many kind, generous and thoughtful friends and relatives. It is the usual custom for the younger generation to visit their seniors or elders with moon cakes.It's one of the ways of showing respect. So there is an advantage in being elderly! Of course friends give to each other - mutual sharing of blessings.

There are a number of legends surrounding this Moon Festival and you can go to the Internet - type Moon cake festival or Lantern Festival and you get lots of websites telling the stories associated with this festival and showing you pictures of lanterns and moon cakes. According to the Chinese Neil Armstrong was not the first man to get to the moon. Some lady by the name of Chang Er or Chang Or got there first and is still there!!!What about the old man in the moon who shares tenancy with the rabbit and the three legged toad! Stories, don't take them seriously. Enjoy the fun.

Nowadays there are all kinds of moon cakes - the traditional ones or the modern ones like durian or green tea moon cakes etc. We ration ourselves and I am allowed only a sixth of a piece per day after lunch. The doctor tells me I am on target with my cholesterol level so I'd better be good and go careful.

God wants us to enjoy life. He also cautions us to practise moderation. Besides for us in The Salvation Army it is the month of self denial. Jesus made it clear that there are three conditions of discipleship - deny yourself, take up the cross and follow Jesus. In giving up my right to myself, I have to realize that this body in which my 'self' dwells is the only house that I have on this earth in which to live.God gave me this body and I am responsible to take care of it in an honourable and responsible way.I belong to Him so I need to exercise discipline.

Let's celebrate Moon fesitival or any other festival, but do all things in moderation. May the Lord enable us to hallow our bodies to bring them under His control In this way we glorify God. He is Lord.

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