Friday, April 26, 2013

Dora Poh Chin's birthday

Forty four years ago, 26th April 1969, God gave us our third child and we named her Dora, Gift of God. We were pioneering the work of The Salvation Army in Kuala Lumpur. The location, an area called Petaling, five miles from the city of Kuala Lumpur and not too far from Petaling Jaya was where we were based.

The political situation was tense and on 13th May racial riots broke out in Kualu Lumpur. This led to the declaration of national emergency. A 24 hour curfew was imposed and we were all confined to the house. The atmosphere was tense, food was scarce, Poh Chin kept vomiting and cried most of the time. From our bedroom window we could see armed men carrying sticks, changkul and whatever weapon they could get hold of parading our area. We witnessed a group of men smashing vehicles followed by riot squad and police. When the police were not around, I sneaked out to try to get some food and milk powder for Poh Chin.

A lot of things have happened during the period of 44 years. One thing is certain, God never changes and we believe He has sent us many friends who have given us support throughout the years. They have blessed Poh Chin and in turn have been blessed. She is well cared for by a team of devoted nurses and caregivers.

Yesterday at Prayer meeting, we met Major Lim Chee Kwee who told us that  he and his wife Annie visited Poh Chin. They sang to her and prayed with her. We appreciate the pastoral care given by them and the chaplain of the Nursing Home, Mr. Jimi Tan. Poh Chin may or may not understand, but I believe she can feel the warmth of these caring visitors. Poh Chin belongs to Changi Corps. The monthly pocket money we give her goes straight to the church. She tithes 100% of her income!  We do this for her!

Pope Francis has called on the world's priests to bring the healing power of God's grace to everyone in need, to stay close to the marginalised and to be "shepherd living with the smell of sheep."

We believe in  priesthood of all believers - this means we are to care and pray for each others.

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