Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Mind the gap

Those of us who have been to London and travelled in the trains would have noticed the frequent warnings given "Mind the gap."  Travellers are told to be careful and not step into the gap between the carriage and the platform.

Just recently we read in the newspapers that a woman fell into the gap at one of our Singapore train stations. Accidents can happen any time, so we need to be careful.

Yesterday, I was chatting with the Peacehaven chaplain, Jimi Tan who expressed his concern for those who seem to fall in the gaps in our church. Surely more mature Christians should make it a point and try to bridge those gaps.

There are gaps between the different age groups, gaps sometimes between different ethnic groups, the list can go on. We should celebrate our diversity; the interaction between various groups should be an enrichment to the church or organisation, but sometimes, there can be tensions for our failure to understand each other.

The church if we are to move on must be united. Jesus came down into this world and broke down all barriers - gender, colour, race, status. If within our hearts we retain such barriers God is not pleased.

Christians are a holy priesthood. The word 'priest' comes from the Latin word 'pontifex' which literally means 'bridge builder'. So when we are in Christ, we are part of the 'priesthood of believers.' We are tasked to be bridge- builders between men and God. We need to be bridge-builders in our church and society. Gaps in the church, in the organisation or institution - let us help fill the gaps and prevent folk from falling into those gaps.

"you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ....  But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." 1 Peter 2: 5 & 9

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