Monday, June 4, 2012

Busy and intreresting week.

Sunday 3rd June was one of the busiest Sundays I've ever had! The day began at 4.30 a.m when we woke up then did our exercise. We did our usual walk in the compound for half and hour. Spent time in prayer, had breakfast, went through the sermon.

At 8.40 a.m. I made my way to Eratchippu Corps, first to join them in prayer meeting. The CSM was alone and soon two others and I joined her. They prayed in Tamil and I prayed in English.

At 9.00 a.m. we began our Worship - all songs were in Tamil, but the CSM very kindly explained each song in English for my sake before the congregation started singing. The regular pianist had gone on holiday in India, so there was no keyboard accompaniment, but we had drums, percussions and timbrels to make a joyful sound unto the Lord.

Praise and worship went on for 50 minutes and interspersed with prayer, Scripture reading and announcements. Then I began to give my talk interpreted by CSM Hemma. The message took longer than usual because of the translation and the meeting ended at 10.40 a.m. I was on my feet for most the time. The folk wanted me to stay for lunch, but I had to decline as my wife and I were responsible for the William Booth Corps Meeting starting from 11.00 a.m.

Earlier at 9.30 a.m my wife did the Adult Bible class for me at Praise chapel. We are doing a series on the Book of Judges and yesterday the lesson was on Gideon.

Well I managed to get a drink of water and then with my wife made our way to the William Booth Corps. She led the meeting and I spoke and let me tell you a secret, I used the same message!  The meeting lasted one and half hours.

We had our lunch, then went downstairs to the Corps office to have the prayer meeting from 1.30- 2.00  p.m. We came upstairs to have a little rest, then went to the worship hall again for the children's concert and graduation ceremony. This was the culmination of the Children's Camp during the weekend. Here I was tasked to present certificates to the primary 6 students.

The same evening our daughter and family took us out for dinner at Mayim Restaurant to celebrate my 80th birthday. It was belated because the adults had been away overseas for holiday and had just returned.

So it was a busy week - birthday celebrations, birthday lunches and dinners, plus receiving a stream of visitors who came to visit us to offer prayers and best wishes. We have been overwhelmed with kindness, thoughtfulness and generosity of our friends.

Birthday greeting still keep coming. The FaceBook certainly connects us to people all over over the world. Thank God for friends who have been such a blessing to us. I make it a point to respond to all who sent greetings, cards, gifts etc, but should I miss any I hope I'll be forgiven.

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