Monday, October 10, 2011

Children - God's gifts to us

This article is in this month's Singapore/Malaysia/Myanmar War Cry. I want to share this with overseas friends who do not get our War Cry, but read my blog.

Children – God’s gifts to us.

At every election, politicians on campaign are seen going around meeting the people, fussing the children, picking up and kissing babies. Of course the elderly, these "aunties and uncles" as there are affectionately addressed are not forgotten! Politicians take special interest in children; certainly a good strategy to win the hearts of parents! And hopefully votes too! I am not questioning their sincerity, but merely making a personal observation.

In Mark’s gospel we read of that beautiful incident when Jesus took a child, set him in the midst of the people listening to His teaching and said, “Whoever receives one little child like this in my name receives me, and whoever receives me, receives not me, but the one who sent me.” (Mark 9: 37) What an interesting comment and object lesson! Children are important.

The Bible portrays children as a blessing. “Don’t you see that children are God’s best gift, the fruit of the womb his generous legacy? Like a warrior’s fistful of arrows are the children of a vigorous youth. Oh, how blest are you parents with your quivers full of children! Your enemies don’t stand a chance against you, you’ll sweep them right off your doorstep.” (Psalm 127: 3-5 The Message)

Children are seen as wealth and heritage. They are God’s gift to us and we are to treasure them. Just as it is natural for us to protect our wealth and use it wisely, so it is the way we are expected to treat our children. They are our special investments to be guarded.

Jesus had a busy programme. Crowds were following Him to listen to His teaching. At one point in His ministry, He and His disciples were so besieged by people with all sorts of needs, that they hardly had time even to have a meal.

It was the custom in those days for parents to bring children to the rabbis to be blessed. Hence it was quite natural for the mothers to bring their children to Jesus the distinguished Teacher but the disciples stopped them. Perhaps they wanted to prevent the imposition on His time and strength. They might have felt there were more important things to do than to be bothered with the kids! Jesus was not too busy for children and to the disciples He said, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belong to such as these.” (Matthew 19: 13-14) What a rebuke!

Let us heed the words of Scripture and the example of Jesus. Value the children whether they are our own or those placed under our care.

In the Old Testament, God’s Word tells us to love Him and then continues with the command concerning our responsibility to children “Write these commandments that I’ve given you today on your hearts. Get them inside of you and then get them inside your children. Talk about them wherever you are, sitting at home or walking in the street; talk about them from the time you get up in the morning to when you fall into bed at night.” (Deut. 6: 4-7 The Message) Here is clear instruction concerning the teaching of God’s Word to children.

In a relay race the lead sprinter of each team runs the first leg of the race, and then passes the baton to the next. This is repeated throughout the race till the last athlete runs with the baton to the finishing line. The race does not just depend on speed, but also on the skilful transfer of the baton from one runner to the next. A miscalculation or slight hesitation would mean the loss of the race.

As Christian parents, leaders and teachers we are under obligation to pass the baton of godly values, clean morals and faith to the next generation. We all need to do this by word and by example. So it is important that more mature Christians live out the faith.

Children who come under our influence are gifts from God. Let us treasure them.

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