Monday, July 26, 2010

Sunday worship and reflection

Veneer is a thin cover or surface material such as a fine layer of quality wood, a fraction of an inch thick that is adhered to the surface of substrate such as in furniture. So beneath this veneer is cheaper or poorer quality substance. The veneer looks good for a time, but will not last, eventually falling apart. On the other hand, quality furniture made from solid quality wood lasts a long time.

Well it may be a all right and it is cheaper to use veneer in woodworking, but certainly it is not right to use veneer in building a church! A church that has a veneer faith, without depth or meaning is deceptive. It may fool people but not the Lord whom the church claims to love and serve.

We studied the message to the church at Sardis - a church with a reputation for being alive, but in reality dead. Donald Barnhouse comments, "It was not scandalous wickedness, but decent death; the form retained, the heart gone; Christ owned in word, ignored in deed; creeds correct, conduct respectable, life departed....His name held, His word read, His truth owned, Himself forgotten."

Now listen to what Dr. William Barclay has to say,"A church is in danger of death when it begins to worship its own past..when it is more concern with forms than with life...when it loves systems more than it loves Jesus Christ...when it is more concerned with material than spiritual things."

I had spent a lot of time in preparation and gave this study last Sunday at our Adult Bible class. I've not stopped reflecting on the message. Are we in danger when we are more concern with ceremonies, systems etc and forget to examine our own spirituality? Do we allow the Holy Spirit to search our hearts and reveal to us our true spiritual condition? Are we content with keeping a facade of spirituality? The Lord knows and we cannot hide from Him. God is omniscient and none of us can hide from His piercing eyes. So let's be honest with ourselves and with God.

I've been watching ""- Youth convention held in Sweden. The Salvation Army has a good and glorious heritage, let's keep it, but please don't embalm it. I hope and pray the youth who attended will spread this fire in their territories.Keep the fire burning! And we older folk, let's encourage our youth. They may do things differently, but that does not mean they are wrong.

A Prayer: " O Lord my God, let the light of Your love fall upon my life. Search every corner of my heart and show me my true self. Am I living as my conscience approves? Have I been demanding of others a higher standard of conduct than I demand myself? Have I been charitable towards others. Do I allow the thought of my own gain to take precedence over the interests of others.

Search me o Lord and know my heart today. Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

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