Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Great Commandment

Much has been written and said about the importance of the Great Commission given by Jesus just before He returned to the Father. "Go and make disciples...Matthew 28: 18-20. The Salvation Army in emphasizing the urgency for the proclamation has added the word, "NOW." I am pleased there are many Christians who are all out for mission overseas. But not everyone is called to go to other countries. All of us have a mission to fulfil where we are.

I sometimes wonder whether the church is placing too much emphasis on The Great Commission at the expense of The Great Commandment which tells to to love God and love our neighbour. G K Chesterton once said this:

'Twas in the village chapel
That I learn with little labour
To love mankind with all my heart,
But hate my next door neighbour!

Isn't it easy to cast our minds on the mission field and forget our neighbour. And neighbour is not just the one living next door to us, or in the same housing estate or HDB block of flats. Neighbour is the one who needs us - this includes our own siblings, parents, grandparents, aunties, uncles, colleagues etc. We love mankind but we give the cold shoulder to someone near to us.

Way back in the Old Testament we read these words in Leviticus 19: 18, "Love your neighbour as yourself." In Galatians 4: 14 these words are repeated.

Seriously we need to read The Great Commandment John 13: 34-35. "Love one another, As I have loved you, so you must love one another." Practise this before thinking of obeying the Great Commission. Both are important, but get them in right perspective.


  1. Hi Comissioner,

    This is Peirong. Just a note to say that I am always encouraged reading your blog! :) You are a light that helps little people like me walking behind know that this is do-able.. Take care!

  2. Hello,

    My name is Tim, I am a Salvationist from Canberra, Australia, I have come across your blog quite by chance. I have been reading your old entries.

    This entry particularly strikes me as this past weekend, I preached on The Great Commission. I was challenged by exactly what you have written about, that our commission to 'go and make Disciples of all nations' must be motivated by both a love for Christ, and love for our neighbours (I quoted that Galations verse also). It is our yearning for others to know Christ's redeeming sacrifice that must be our motivation! I am so thankful that God gave me the right message to deliver (as He always does if we open ourselves to Him).

    Thankyou for your ongoing insight and wisdom.

    In Christ,

