Saturday, August 15, 2009

Christian relationships

During the week we had buffet lunch with two of our grandchildren and a friend at The Food Haven at Singapore Polytechnic. We two oldies with three youths, undergraduates enjoying the meal and fellowship! There was no age barrier. It's a tremendous experience and this meeting with them did us good. Young people are very busy and it was good they made time to spend with grandparents!

Then on Friday, a number of us from William Booth Corps met at the new home of our Corps Sergeant Major Michael Lau and his wife Gina. What a lovely Christian couple! We first met Michael way back in 1983 at Taiwan where his parents Major and Mrs. James Lau were the Regional Officers. In fact we billetted with them and enjoyed their very kind and warm hospitality.

When we were appointed to the Philipines, we met Gina in Baguoi where I enrolled her as a senior soldier in 1990. I conducted their wedding nine years ago at Changi Corps. Gina was working as a nurse at Peacehaven Nursing Home and she wanted to include the residents in the celebration hence the choice of Changi. So it was a delight to be among the guests at their new flat at Woodlands for house warming conducted by Major Pascoe our Corps Officer, Pastor.

We had a great time, good singing, delicious food, warm fellowship and plenty of fun and laughter. We thank God for friends of different races, cultures and age groups. We are all one in Christ. It's great to be able to meet for fellowship in an informal setting.

Many times in the New Testament, we are exhorted to relate to one another. If all members of our church are obedient to these instructions, then truly there is real unity of love in the church.

We must bear one another’s burdens whether spiritual or material. ‘Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ.’(Gal. 6: 2) We are to be a sharing community. Sometimes a brother or sister may be compelled to bear burdens due to the chances and changes of life. It comes from outside – some crisis, some emergency, some sorrow may suddenly descend upon a person. We are told to give support and in doing so, fulfil the law of Christ.

We are to consider how we may ‘spur one another on toward love and good deeds.’ (Hebrews 10: 24) We live in a world where bad people incite others to do wrong. We Christians need to encourage each other to noble living. We can best do this by setting the fine example. We can do it by reminding others of our tradition of doing good deeds without thinking of reward.

Let us edify or build each other up by our speech and actions. ‘Therefore encourage one another and build each other up....’ (1 Thes.5: 11) We do this by our speech and actions. Honour and esteem other members of the church as better than ourselves. ‘Be devoted to one another by brotherly or sisterly love. Honour one another above yourselves.’ (Rom. 12: 10)

This list is not exhaustive, so add to it your own verses. One thing I want to emphasise – unity is a very important aspect of the well being of our church. It is a very powerful testimony to the world that we are Christ’s followers.

‘Blest be the tie that binds
Our hearts in Christian love;
The fellowship of kindred minds
Is like to that above.

We share our mutual woes;
Our mutual burdens bear;
And often for each other flows
The sympathising tear. John Fawcett (SASB 660 verses 1 & 3)

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