Friday, January 25, 2013

Achilles' Heel

In Greek mythology, Achilles was the son of a human king named Peleus and a sea goddess named Thetis. Achilles was the greatest, bravest, strongest and most handsome soldier in his father’s army. The legend goes that Thetis held her infant son by the heel and dipped him in the waters of the River Styx. The magical powers of the river rendered Achilles invulnerable in every part of his body, except his heel, which had not been dipped in the river. That small, little part of his flesh was vulnerable to attack. Later, in the heat of battle, Achilles was struck in the heel by an arrow and was killed. That myth has become a proverb by which each of us live our lives.

We all have our Achilles’ heel - those areas of life in which we are vulnerable to attack and prone to fail. The writer of Hebrews calls it “the sin which doth so easily beset us”, Heb. 12:1. That sin varies from person to person, but whatever that sin is in our life, it is our Achilles’ heel.

For some people Achilles’ heel could be illicit sexual relationships. For others it might be the quest for money, fame, popularity, position, ambition, or power. For some it might be pride, lust, selfishness, gossip, anger, malice, or a host of other sins. Whatever that “besetting sin” might be for us, if we are not able to conquer it through the power of the Holy Spirit, it will be our downfall.

Be vigilant, watch and pray lest we enter into temptation. We need the power of God’s Holy Spirit in our lives at all times.

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