Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Memories of the past - The Ten commandments

Ten Commandments in rhyme

I recall my Sunday School days when at the beginning of the year we were all given a little booklet each. It had the attendance page where the Record Sergeant would put a star for attendance and in the next column the record of money given by the user.There were a number of pages of songs and choruses, and quarterly responsive Bible readings (in King James Version) and one page of the Ten Commandments in rhyme. Here it it is and I still remember it.


1 Thou shalt have no gods but Me.

2 Before no idol bow thy knee.

3 Take not the name of God in vain.

4 Nor dare the Sabbath Day profane.

5 Give both thy parents honour due.

6 Take heed that Thou no murder do.

7 Abstain from words and deeds unclean.

8 Not steal though thou are poor and mean.

9 Do not tell a lie nor love it.

10 What is thy neighbour's do not covet.

I still remember the day when I attended the first Sunday School at the age of five. Later after the war as a youth I was the Record Sergeant. Then there was a period when I served at the Y.P Sergeant Major. What a privilege.

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