Monday, June 15, 2009

Seeking Pre-eminence

As citizens we are proud of our country and when Changi was declared the No.1 airport, we were so happy. However, we have slipped to No. 3 and the top position has been taken by Incheon Airport of Korea. Some of our people are very upset.

Must we always be on top? That's the trouble with some of us. We like to be the top dog! I was reading 3 John one of the smallest books in the Bible. John in his letter describes a man by the name of Diotrephes, perhaps a deacon or elder in the church, or in Salvation Army terminology perhaps a Corps Sergeant Major. We don't know but he wielded a lot of power.

Paul wrote to the church, but Diotrephes apparently intercepted and destroyed it. He wanted to be the top dog and occupy the top spot all the time. He refused to have anything to do with other spiritual leaders like Paul. He had such a stranglehold on the church and would not allow others to have any part in the church.

Come to think of it, I have sermons on every book of the Bible, I have yet to work one on Driotrephes - the man who wanted always to be on top. Nothing stifles the church more than people like him who must dominate others all the time.

Well, think of it Jesus left the glory of Heaven to come down to us and to die on a criminal's cross for our sake. Only Jesus is worthy of preeminence. We are all servants called upon to minister to others.

Monday morning, I should be having pastor's day off. But I'm a retiree, so I don't qualify. Too bad.

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