Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day

We attended church as usual on Sunday. When we walked into the hall, I was greeted with "Happy Father's Day" from many people including the children from Haven and Gracehaven Children's Home. These children have come to know us even though we cannot remember all their names. I was very touched. One Filipino salvationist working here even gave me a hug!

I gave the message in the meeting. After the benediction, we left immediately to have a quick lunch at home (the hall is downstairs and we live on the 4th floor) then rushed to Bishan - to the Balestier Corps. Balestier folk meet at 2.00 p.m. in the THQ chapel. My wife led the meeting and I gave the message.

Balestier is my home corps. I started attending Balestier at the age of five, before the war. After a three and half years hiatus, (Japanese occupation) I linked up with the Corps again. In 1957, I was appointed as the Corps Officer (pastor). It was my second appointment. We got married in June 1958 and we had a very happy time together running this church till 1959. Mrs. Ong insisted that everyone must address us as Lieutenant and Mrs. Lim. No first names allowed! So my wife remains Mrs. Lim to them to many others throughout the territory to this day.

When I first came to the Army,(1937) Balestier Corps was in a shop house in Balestier Rd. This shop house now sells lamps. Then after the war, Mrs. Palmer provided land for us to build at Martaban Road off Balestier Rd. The Army put up an a wooden and atap building. There was no electricity or water but we had the presence of the Lord. Many souls were won for Christ and many disciples made. It was a thriving church!

Later the Lord spoke to Mrs. Palmer about giving the land to the Army. She accepted token payment of $3000.00 for the freehold land. The Army put up a permanent building in 1961 and it was opened by General Wilfred Kitching. It was stated in the document - the purpose of the building was 'for a gospel hall.'

The property at Martaban Road was sold for $7.1 million, much to the disappointment of the Corps comrades. I must confess I feel the pain every time I think of it, but the deed has been done, and we have to move on. The Corps vacated the building in April 2007. Maybe the Lord has better things in store for us. We just have to trust Him.

When the building was sold, a number of folk transferred to other Corps and remain faithful to God and The Salvation Army. They found the time of worship, 2.00 p.m inconvenient. Some left us to join other churches, sadly some go nowhere. We must keep praying for them.

The comrades are now waiting to move to their new hall, not a new building, the former Eye Hospital at Balestier Road. We will begin a new chapter and we hope and pray it will be the best chapter ever - to the Glory of God. We learn from the past, work for the present and hope for the future.

There was a good number in the congregation on Sunday, the hall was quite full and it was good to see my old friends again. There was Jean Yeo who attended Sunday School with me when we were five year old kids! There was Andrew Ong, one of my Sunday School School kids who is now a grandfather! And John Ooi, the ever faithful. He was my Corps Secretary when I was the Corps Officer. John was always there for me when I needed him. His godly wife Esther took earlier retirement to work in Peacehaven. Timothy their son is very active in the Corps today. Ah, there were two sisters Irene and Olivia my Sunday School children from 1957-1959. Officers, good and not so good, come and go, these two sisters remain faithful. They form the backbone of the church! And there was Aileen with her children. And quite a number who came in recent years. Well, we had very good fellowship. There was special celebration on Father's Day and as the oldest person, I had the privilege to cut the cake.

Captains Jane and Julian Wong are doing a good work and we continue to pray for them. This is their first corps appointment. So it is not easy for them and they need our prayerful support. They know they can always call on us at any time to help out. It is always a joy to visit Balestier Corps.

We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves at William Booth and Balestier. Praise be to God!

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