Saturday, June 27, 2009

Preaching the word

Someone once said to me, "I don't want sermons. Who wants to listen to sermons these days?" So people come up with 'creative ministries' - show films, drama, musicals etc. These have their place in proclaiming the message of the gospel, but they cannot substitute old fashioned 'preaching of the word.'

The Bible puts it plainly, "How shall they hear without a preacher?" Of course, the size of the crowd has become the standard gauge of successful preaching, but that yardstick is not found in the Bible. Jesus addressed crowds, there were times he had a congregation of one!

We seek ways and means to fill the house of God. I believe it is not the preacher's duty to fill the house, as to fill the pulpit. The church members should try to bring their friends to fill the house.

What we need is Spirit-filled membership with fervent desire to win souls for the Kingdom. There are times when the preacher may be at fault in the state of his heart or the content of his message. So he has to examine his own heart, rather let the Spirit of God search his heart and get right with God first. He has to be a man of God and of the word - the word of God is like fire burning in the bones!

Preaching is still the appointed means to touch our hearts and bring us to the right relationship with God. We live in an age when people will not endure sound doctrine, but have itching ears instead of burning hearts, we still have the command to preach the word. God manifests His word and His will through preaching.

I don't do as much preaching as I used to. I don't have a platform, but wait for invitations to preach, but I can reach to others through even this media. Thanks for 'listening' to my message by reading this blog.

I don't give long sermons, but put in a word or two for your thought or reflection.

Richard Baxter said, " I preached as never sure to preach again, and as a dying man to a dying man."

A pastor was asked by a colleague why loud vehement preaching of his earlier years has given way to quiet, persuasive manner of speech. The pastor replied, "When I was young I thought it was thunder that killed people, but when I grew up, I discovered it was lightning. So I changed my style and am determined to thunder less and lighten more." Good thought.

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