Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day - Sunday 8th May

This morning at our Church we celebrated Mother's Day. After the service, we adjourned to the social hall where we had our lunch together. It's been a custom in our church.

In some cultures there is the observance of "breakfast in bed" for Mum plus the exhortation "to put your feet up, we'll do everything for you." Even if it is burnt toast, or tea made with water poured from a flask, it is the thought that matters!

In our Singapore culture, some people make it a point to take Mum to a restaurant for a nice meal together, of course with Dad tagging along! Good idea, only that there appears to be price increase for meals on such occasions. There are those who would go for gifts such us toiletries, chocolates or 'bak kwa' (roast pork). In any case, Mum will not eat them all herself; certainly she will share with the rest of the family.

Churches like ours provide flowers and folk are asked to "take a flower for Mum" and you trust some children to take more, (after all it's free, Singapore mentality!) This morning the men were asked to go to the front to take flowers for their wives or mothers.

It is fitting that motherhood should be celebrated with a day of its own. The relationship between mother and child has exerted a powerful hold over civilisation. It is one of the ways of bonding, preserving and enhancing relationships.

I think whatever the cost, it pales into insignificance the commercial exhortation offered to parents come Christmas time.

Let us instill into youngsters that love is shown not just in material tributes, or a mother's day card once a year, but also through spontaneous personal gestures and expressions of regard sustained beyond a single day - Mother's Day. Come to think of it - a mother, after all is for life; not just for one Sunday.

Perhaps those reading this blog have not done anything yet. What about sending an sms to Mum. "Happy Mother's Day. I love you." That's simple isn't it? Better still go to your computer and send an e-card Mother's Day greeting. It's free!

Honour your father and your mother, the word of God tells us.

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