Thursday, April 8, 2010

Keep hope alive

'And now these three remain; faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love" says Paul in 1 Cor. 13: 13. If he were alive today, he might have added 'And the most neglected of the three is hope.'

I'm spending a lot of my time doing two things - writing my memoirs and preparing Bible studies. As one gets older memories fade, so it is imperative that I write as much as I can recall. It's been a time consuming exercise, but most interesting and encouraging too when people write to thank me.

I've been conducting the Adult Bible class at our Church for the last six years. I've done a lot of research and reflecting on the word of God. Now I am in the midst of preparing lessons on Revelation - a very challenging exercise. The series will begin first week in May.

What have these things got to do with hope? Writing memoirs means looking back to the past. At times I must admit, I'm concern about the future and like all who are getting on in years (78 in May) I am tempted to look back to the good old days! Things have changed; the Army has changed for better or for worse, it depends on how we look.

The Army is facing some challenging times. Experienced leaders are retiring or leaving this world, new ones, sadly too few are coming in. God bless them. But I must not despair, I must keep vision and my hope alive. I must possess that Biblical hope. God raised up the Army through William and Catherine Booth. Surely He will not let it die! We must do something and keep that hope alive!

I read, meditate on Revelation I wake up thinking of Revelation, go to bed with visions of angels, scrolls, seals etc. recorded in Revelation. There is that eschatological hope, the perspective of eternity, the dimension of heaven. There is hope. There is that resurrection hope. "Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day." 2 Cor. 4: 16.

This is it - it gives us an element of joy and of steel to our discipleship. Without this element we flag, grow weary, despair and give up.

If you are not optimistic then you must have a misty optic! Friends press on. Keep on believing - Jesus is alive and He cares for us each one. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Let's keep faith, hope and love alive.

Prayer: "Lord, renew my spirit. Let me keep that hope alive and share this hope with others."

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