Thursday, April 22, 2010

Colonel Keith Burridge

What a loss to our Territory! A man of God who has done so much in so short a time for so many people. Colonel Keith Burridge is gone from us, but his influence lives on and will do so for many more years to come. We give thanks to God for sending him and his godly wife Beryl here to Singapore.

Life is full of the incomprehensible, but we learn to accept the fact that God never makes a mistake. Our Heavenly Father needs Keith Burridge in Heaven now and when we get there, He will tell us the reason for taking this wonderful man of God home so early. Our timing and God's timing does not always synchronise.

Keith Burridge has left us a wonderful example in Christian living. We honour him by honouring God and living the Christlike life like the Colonel did.

I count it a privilege to be invited to give the message at a Service of Thanksgiving last night. I quoted General Albert's song, "My life my be Christ's broken bread, my love His outpoured wine." Keith Burridge's life was truly Christ's broken bread and outpoured wine. That's the reason why he was such a blessing to so many people. A truly committed Christian is a sacrament of consecration.

The combined band of William Booth and Central corps supported in the meeting. Quite a number of the bandsmen who are university students are in the middle of their examination, but they made their way to William Booth Corps to take part in the meeting. I know this for sure for two of the players are our own grandchildren.

What a touching scene, as the band played "Safe in the arms of Jesus" to see the people filing past the coffin, many of them wept uncontrollably. The man we all loved so dearly is gone from us.

Lord, thank You for sending the Keith and Beryl Burridge to us. To You we give glory!


  1. Thank you Comm Lim for your postings. It is read with much love and faith. I can only echo what you said of Cols Keith and Beryl Burridge. So sorry, I could not be there as I had to 'hold the fort' here. Mary represented us. Blessings - Major Francis Ng (Kuching)

  2. Sorry Francis you were not able to join us at the meeting. We do understand, someone has to hold the fort in Kuching. Good to see Mary. We see Alicia often. She's a good girl. God bless you.
