Monday, April 19, 2010

Colonel Keith Burridge promoted to Glory

We were shocked to receive news this morning of the Promotion to Glory of our Territorial Commander, Colonel Keith Burridge.

Only yesterday, Sunday 18th April, he and his wife Beryl were at William Booth Corps to join us in worship. As usual they were going round shaking hands with the people. They joined the folk during fellowship time at the Social Hall.

That evening they hosted a dinner at their home, 80 Sunset Way for the Singapore Officers and heads of departments of Territorial Headquarters. We had a wonderful evening.

And this morning he was gone to be with the Lord.

We first came to know the Burridges when we were appointed to International Headquarters, London in 1993. We lived in Beckenham, South London and the Colonel was the Divisional Commander.

I recall the day when we travelled together in his car to Croydon Citadel to attend a Soldiers' Rally where I was the speaker.We met on many other occasions when we visited Corps in his division. He and his wife Beryl were always very kind to us.

How delighted we were when we received news of their appointment to our Territory first to be the Chief Secretary and later promoted to be the Territorial Commander.
They chose to soldier at the William Booth Corps and when they were not conducting meetings elsewhere would join us in worship at William Booth Corps.

The Burridges were looking forward to retirement in England where they would be near the the Colonel's parents - His father is now 92 years old.

Colonels Keith and Beryl Burridge are greatly loved by the people of this territory. We pray for Colonel Beryl Burridge and their two children, Kevin and Dawn and grand daughter Mollie.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting such a lovely tribute to my uncle. He was, without doubt, one of the kindest people I have and will ever know in my lifetime. I had been so looking forward to Beryl and Keith coming home to their retirement very soon and feel so so sad that they have had their retirement years taken away from them so cruelly and far too soon.
