Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Strong winds and typhoons

I watched from my balcony yesterday, the swaying trees in the park. There were strong winds and heavy rain. This was nothing compared with what we went through in Hong Kong and particularly Philippines during typhoon season.

I got back to my lounge, turned on the television and saw pictures of the typhoon that struck the Philippines - it was the fourth typhoon in a month. After spending slightly more than three years, 1990-1993 in the Philippines my wife and I understand the trauma the people are going through now. It was terrible, the gale force winds that shook the trees, snapped the branches, uprooted trees - only the very strong trees with deep roots withstood the force of the winds.

Houses collapsed, terrible landslides, torrential rains brought floods and many perished.

In 1983, the first year we were in Hong Kong, we experienced the first time a terrible typhoon - the worst in 50 years! Typhoon Ellen wrought havoc in Hong Kong. In our compound the trees were uprooted, electricity supply cut off, water pipes burst - we were without water or electricity for days. In trying to clear the mess later, I fell, badly injured and had to be hospitalised.

God works in a wonderful way always. I recall when I came out of hospital, our good friends, Jim and Marjorie Webb came to visit and stay with us for a whole week. You know, my left hand was in a plaster and Jim became my chauffeur for the whole week. God worked a miracle that the Webbs should come at that particular time of need. And Majorie helped in the housework, washing dishes etc. Before they left, Jim bought us an electric polisher. And they had planned their holiday with us long before the typhoon struck! Isn't God's timing great?

In life we face all kinds of disasters, some can be very overwhelming, but we remember our God is great, good and gracious. "I'm in His hands, whate'er the future holds, I'm in His hands."

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