Thursday, July 16, 2009

Call to the ministry

Last Sunday, 12th July was Candidates' Sunday. In some countries it is called Vocation Sunday. Whatever name we use, it certainly reminded me clearly about my call to officership, in other words my call to the ministry.

I've been reflecting on my own life and calling, not career, job or profession! If it was just a job, I would have remained where I was with the Singer Sewing Company. I was happy there. No mistake at all to me and my wife, officership has always been a calling.

I can never forget that day at the Central Corps Hall, 30 Oxley Road It was the second day of Chinese New Year when young people were going round visiting and paying respects to their relatives and friends and collecting 'ang pows'(red packets)!It has always been the traditional Chinese custom for children to receive red packets with money inside. But that day I was with other young people participating at Youth Councils. My Mum, a Roman Catholic was furious to say the least. To her, Salvation Army leaders must be crazy to arrange worship on Chinese New Year! My mother used to be a Home Leaguer at Balestier before the war but joined the Catholic church during the Japanese occupation of Singapore. (That's another story which I shall tell later)

It's still a mystery to me how the Officer Commanding (leader of The Salvation Army in Singapore and Malaya) of that day, Lieut Colonel William Darby who had been a missionary in China did not understand the significance of Chinese New Year. Try and arrange that today and see what happens! Well our generation was very compliant! We saluted our Corps Officers (pastors) without questioning.

And the theme for the Youth Councils was not relevant to Singaporeans - "Roll the Old Chariot along." Ever seen a chariot in Singapore? If he had called it "Ride the old trisha" or "Push the old bicycle along" it would be more meaningful! Well, talking about understanding culture, the Colonel needed some lessons. Since then I have come across many more of his ilk.

Anyway, we sang the chorus many times,"So we'll roll the old chariot along and we won't drag on behind." (Chorus Section 224 SASB) In fact one verse says, "If the devil's in the way, we will roll it over him." That easy? Well, those were the days!

God works His way in spite of man's mistakes and idiosyncrasies.The Lord works in a mysterious way His wonders to perform. That does not mean in God's work anything goes. Nothing but the best is good enough for the Lord.

It was at this meeting that I heard the call to become an officer - very clear call. And God has not changed His mind, neither have I! The covenant was made at the Mercy Seat. My mind was made up that night in 1949 Youth Councils at 30 Oxley Road. And in that same meeting a young lady responded at the same time at the same Mercy Seat. We did not know each other then.The Lord brought us together and we have been married 51years. We are now retired officers, but still active in ministry. We'll work till Jesus calls us home!

The call to officership or to ministry is a holy one; one that has its origin in the heart of God. There have been good times and bad times. We've been through all kinds of situations. We have worked with all kinds of people - good, bad, indifferent. We have worked with saints and sinners. We are where we are today because of His call and the provision of His grace.

I've been much blessed using the devotional booklet produced by Love Singapore. I wish this is not just for 40 days, but for 365 days. Look at the first sentence on July 15th regarding Jeremiah's call, "He didn't download his prophet's badge from the web." The writer certainly knows how to communicate. He didn't write about the Theology of vocation etc. Jeremiah "was a true blood prophet from the womb to the tomb." Read on if you have the book, otherwise, beg or borrow (but not steal)from someone. I pray that by the grace of God to be faithful and serve Him till I hear the summons to go Home.

I love Jeremiah and I am gathering material for a new series for the Adult Bible class I conduct on Sunday morning at William Booth Corps. It was from this book that I got the title for the blog - burning in the bones. Jeremiah felt the word of God burning like fire in the bones.

Officership is a calling. I've sat in meetings where Candidates' Sunday passes by with nary a mention about God's call to the ministry. I've been disappointed. I'm not refering specifically to any one Corps (church) in this territory. Some folk do not see the urgency of proclaiming the gospel and officers are needed.

I was pleased to receive a copy of the Penang Corps bulletin and my article written at the request of the Youth and Candidates' Secretary, was printed in it. Well done, Major Francis Ng for putting emphasis on the call to officership.

There is a world wide shortage of officers, especially in western and developing countries. We want the best of our young people to respond to the call. Officership is a privilege, it is a joy to serve. After all these years as active and retired, I can truthfully say there has been no regrets. The covenant made in 1949 and publicly signed in 1954 is still intact. To God be the glory.

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