Monday, January 26, 2015

Engaging in ministry.

We've been retired for 17 and half years. I am not involved in any administration; we won't be able to cope, not at our age.

However, I continue to preach the word for this my calling. Ministry never ends while we still are alive and well able to manage.

I was privileged to be invited to speak at Central Corps on 18th in the absence of the Corps Officers (pastors) now on furlough in New Zealand. They gave me the topic to preach "At the name of Jesus there is freedom for the disciple."

The church was quite full and it was good to meet a number of old friends. But more than half the people in the congregation were new to us. In one sense we were disappointed that some of our friends  have left the church and gone elsewhere - to other churches, or still church hopping and shopping for a place to belong as it seems to be the culture of this generation. Well there may be reasons and it is not for me to judge.

In another sense, we were happy The Army is reaching out to new people. We don't want to be a holy club where we meet for fellowship without outreach. New people are being contacted and many have found the Lord. We give God the glory.

Yesterday, it was my turn to give the message at Changi Corps, the church we now belong. Even in the short period of just over a month we have seen growth. Again the new pastors had chosen the theme "Shine for Jesus" for the month.  Jesus is the Light of the world, and we as His followers are  reflect that light. The message was based on Philippians 2: 1-18.

I have committed myself to preach once a month for the first six months. By then the pastors would have completed their training and commissioned and ordained as Salvation Army officers. It is quite unusual to have them in charge of the church before their commissioning and ordination. It has been tough for this lovely couple with a child - to pastor a church and to still attend classes.

I am very impressed with their commitment. They spend a lot of time visiting the folk and trying to bring the lost sheep back to the fold.

We thank God in retirement we can still in a small way contribute to our church and it is our daily prayer that the Lord will continue to give us grace and strength for service.

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