Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Precious memories of Balestier Camp

The Balestier camp is over, but "Precious memories, how they linger
How they ever flood my soul." (quote from hymn by J B F Wright)

Sixty five of us comprising three generations met at Le Grandeur Hotel, Johor for a few days of Retreat. They were days of caring and sharing - of fellowship, prayer, singing and the word. There was not a single jarring note in the camp. Certainly I feel this was indeed a foretaste of heaven.

I lost count of the number of times folk, young and the not so young offering to get us cups of tea, or coffee or bowls of soup.

"Can I get you some cakes, they are delicious?"

"Do you need more fruit, I'll get for you."

From the very commencement of the camp we were reminded to care and share with each other the blessings of God.

1. Blest be the tie that binds 
 our hearts in Christian love; 
 the fellowship of kindred minds 
 is like to that above. 

2. Before our Father's throne 
 we pour our ardent prayers; 
 our fears, our hopes, our aims are one, 
 our comforts and our cares. 

3. We share each other's woes, 
 our mutual burdens bear; 
 and often for each other flows 
 the sympathizing tear. 

4. When we asunder part, 
 it gives us inward pain; 
 but we shall still be joined in heart, 
 and hope to meet again. John Fawcett

Dr. Fawcett in 1772 had preached his last sermon at his 
farewell meeting. He was moving to another church. His 
belongings were already packed and placed in the wagon. He 
and his family were about to start their journey into the 
city of London. But the love, affection and tears of the 
church members he was leaving behind were too much for him.

Dr. Fawcett and his wife looked at each other and read each
other's heart. The wagons were unloaded and although this 
meant financial sacrifice, they just could not leave the 
country folk whom they loved so much. 

He went back into the house and wrote this poem.

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