Thursday, March 27, 2014

Let us keep praying

Malaysian Airlines Flight MH 370 with 12 crew and 227 passengers which left KL on 8th March has disappeared. It must be extremely painful for the relatives of the victims. I just imagine if one of my loved ones was a passenger. How would I react?

Let us continue to pray for the victims' families who are mourning.

It's been hard for the Malaysian Leaders and they need our prayers.

The search continues, thanks to the supporting nations.

In my devotions the words of Jesus came to my mind, "Let not your heart be trouble." Of course we do! Just being human we are target for countless fears, worries or anxieties. The threatening international situation troubles us. Turn on the news and we hear of wars and remours of wars, internal and external conflicts, and even within families.

Yes, my heart is troubled, but I have to keep my faith focused on our Sovereign God. I need to pray for a quiet heart - trusting in Him who sent His only Son into the world to be our Saviour. 

"I know not where His islands lift
Their fronded palms in air;
I only know I cannot drift
Beyond His love and care" 

The words of the poet Whittier comes into my mind and I am assured I can trust Him even if I cannot understand why certain things happen. In the meantime, I continue to share my faith and my experience of walking with Him, living in Him and for Him and intercede for my family, friends, our nation and the world.

We just came home after attending the Global Prayer meeting held at The Salvation Army Headquarters at Bishan.

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