Friday, December 31, 2010

In Him abiding

It's the last day of the year and I am in a reflective mood - pondering on the word 'abide.' One of the key phrases in John's writings is found in Jesus' words 'to abide' These words become a special feature in chapter 15 - the theme 'abide in me and I in you.' The expression 'to abide' is used here to describe the relationship between Jesus and His disciples. By the picture of the vine, the growing branches and fruitful plant, Jesus conveys to us the idea of that living and abiding fellowship. The promises the kind of faith we are able to have through Him.

The word 'abide' has several emphases - each of which may add to our understanding and spiritual awareness.

First, an abiding friendship, a phrase that stands for a relationship of true and lasting loyalty. Everyday we meet people; many we pass by briefly in any one day, especially in the crowded life of our city. Some we get to know and after a while lose touch with. Of the people we meet, we are grateful for those whom there can be a lasting and abiding friendship. that gives continuity to our experience over the years. They are precious, they are there when we need them. We keep in touch in different ways. We live for each other, there is mutual trust and sharing.

Jesus said to His disciples. 'Abide in Me.' He also told them, 'I have called you friends.' To Jesus, discipleship means more than belonging to a group, a team, a cell or a church. It is a deeper relationship with and loyalty to Him. 'In Him abiding, my all confiding' says one of our old choruses.

Second, I think of an abiding treasure. It stands for the worth and value we place on something important and precious. In the world, there are many fashions and styles of culture and art that quickly come and go. Not all are abiding, but there are those that abide. We have the music of Beethoven and Handel, the literature of Shakespeare and paintings of Constable and Turner for example. Such works have stood the test of time. We call them classics. They are treasures of history and civilisation and have abiding value. In this sense, the message of Jesus is treasured as abiding gift to us.

Third, I think of His abiding presence. This is the last day of 2010. In a matter of hours it will be gone and we begin a new year. But I'm glad I have Jesus and His presence goes with me into the new year.

One of my favourite hymns is 'Abide with me fast falls the even tide.' The darkness that enfolds us causes us to fear and we need this abiding presence. David the psalmist sings about going through the valley of the shadow of death and his confidence in this abiding presence of the Lord - "Thou art with me." Yes, in life's journey, we need the presence of God to be with us as we move into the new year.

'Abide in me and I in you.' His presence surrounds us; much more, He dwells within us if we let Him. What a lovely relationship - His abiding friendship and presence comforts, strengthens, inspires and challenges us. That has been my experience thus far and His promise for the future.

In Jesus' call to abide in Him, He has given us a wonderful, simple yet profound assurance that helps us to look within to our own experience and to become aware of life's possibilities, more able to grow in faith and trust, more ready to look to God in openness to what He is able to do and to be for us.

From my own experience, in moments when faith is low or weak, when life is tired and lonely, when the shallowness of the world is all too evident, I turn to Him whose presence surrounds me. I hear again the injunction - 'Abide in me.' In Him I find an abiding friendship, an abiding treasure and an abiding presence to take me into the future.

I'm in the midst of writing my next chapter of my autobiography. It's about my involvement in the Salvation Army musicals. I recall playing the part of Peter and I sang this as a solo. With this I end this last message of the old year.

"For the far future I cannot see,
Promise your presence, travel with me;
Sunshine or shadow? I cannot tell;
You know I love you, all will be well. (John Gowans SASB 294

1 comment:

  1. Hi Commissioner,

    Cold greetings from Germany, I hope it was a good new year.

    Thank you for your encouragment on your blog. My love and greetings to Mrs Lim and you. pls don't stop writing anytime soon.. :) This is part of what God is using as my daily ( regular) bread...

