Monday, May 31, 2010

Birthday blessings

Sunday 30th May, I reached the ripe old age of 78! Hard to believe the sickly child that I was could live this long! I was told I was born prematurely, perhaps I was in too much of a hurry to come into this world! Now as I come to the last lap of my life's journey, I need to slow down.

I began my birthday celebrations first with a fall - yes flat on my face and damaged my spectacles and my watch! Now I am proud to wear a black right eye! Anyway I saw the doctor on Saturday and he assured me there was no internal injury. Thank God, it could be worse.

I received blessings galore. We had birthday dinner with our daughter and family on Thursday and had lunch in a restaurant with our son's family on Friday, a public holiday it being Vesak Day. A week before a couple from the Corps, very close friends took us to Raffles Town House and had a western dinner. I thank our friends for sending birthday wishes and gifts. God is so good and have blessed us with many relatives and friends.

Well the Facebook wall was full of messages from all over the world. Thank you friends for remembering my birthday.


  1. i will send a blog comment to wish you Happy Birthday. Thank you for being a blessing to my heart Comissioner!

  2. Thanks! You have always been very encouraging! God bless you.
