Monday, November 21, 2011


Some people I know seem to enjoy comparing themselves with others. Comparisons are odious, quite often motivated by pride or low self image. They compare their children to others. "Where was your son's wedding dinner held? Ours was at Fullerton." Showing off!

"My daughter is a graduate and now working as.... Did yours go through University" Comparison - disgusting and detestable! Let me assure you friends, it is the easiest way to lose friends. Pride stinks and drives your friends away.

"Where did you buy your dress etc. I bought mine at Robinson." What does it matter where one gets things from.

Listen to what Paul has to say, "We do not desire to classify or compare ourselves with those who commend themselves. When they measure themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise." 2 Cor. 10: 12 NIV

Then he goes on to tell us, "Our goal is to measure up to God's plan for us." (TLB)

Let us humble ourselves before the Lord and accept and appreciate one another. Each one of us is wonderfully, fearfully and uniquely made by God.

Years ago I read a book by Dale Carnegie called "How to win friends and influence people." Perhaps someone might write one on "How to lose friends and antagonise people."

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