Thursday, September 29, 2011

Global Prayer meeting

Today is Thursday. Early morning five of us - Major Pascoe, Aux. Captains Raymond and Cathy and Yen Fong (staff at THQ Editorial Department) my wife and I left for THQ to attend the Combined Prayer meeting. This is in response to The General's call to prayer every Thursday.

Major gave a short meditation on 1 Chronicles 16. Acting in obedience, King David brought the Ark of the Covenant, symbol of God's presence back to its rightful place in the worship and life of God's people. Although David's original intention was good the first time around, he failed to ask God for direction. So when we used the new cart, he was copying the ungodly Philistines instead of following God's word.
The result was disaster! The second time he sought God every step of the way. The result - great joy and blessing for everyone. God's presence and guidance are essential.

We note - God's work must be done God's way if we are to receive God's blessing. Beware of copying the ungodly methods that are in fashion - don't hitch your hopes on 'new carts' but seek God's directions and solutions.

Praise played as prominent role in all of David's ministry. The tremendous power of praise. Don't allow the devil defeat us with negative thoughts, judgments and criticisms.

Holiness is another important requirement. God cannot stand the sight of sin. We must stand holy before Him through the blood of Jesus. Keep your temple clean and fit for our Holy God's presence.

Sacrifice, the way God lays down, is also featured in this process of bringing God back to His rightful place in worship and life. Micah 6: 8 reminds us of the sacrifice God expects from us.."to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

We first prayed using the subjects given by the General.

1. The need to deepen our spiritual life personally as a people of God. (1 Pet. 2: 9-10)

2 In this economic climate, financial resources for our worldwide mission. (2 Cor. 9: 10)

3. Renewed passion to bring people to Jesus and lead them to maturity in Him. (John 14: 6, John 3: 16

4 The courage and compassion to stand for and serve the marginalized. (Col. 3: 12)

We prayed for our territory and the international Army and ended the hour long session with the prayer of dedication.

"I would be Thy holy temple sacred and indwelt by Thee."

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