Each of us is an individual and there is need for every believer to be alone with God. In Exodus 34: 2-3 God told Moses "Be ready in the morning and come up to Mount Sinai. Present yourself to Me on top of the mountain. No one is to come with you. Or to be seen anywhere on the mountain."
My mountain is a quiet corner in my bedroom, or at the balcony. There I meet my God alone. There is that need to be alone with God.
We believe in family prayers. Every evening just before we sleep, my wife and I share prayers together. There is the need for husband and wife to pray together. When our children were young we had the whole family together for family prayers.
We believe in meeting with fellow Christians for corporate prayer. Jesus told us that "where two or three are gathered together in my name I am in the midst of them." We meet for our cell group every Friday to pray and have fellowship and sharing of the word. Every Thursday we meet at Territorial Headquarters' chapel for the global prayer meeting. We are part of the prayer chain set up by The General of The Salvation Army. Think of it - a link in the chain of prayer!
What a blessed time we have every Thursday.
Prayer gently lifts me to highest Heaven.
From earth's confusion to Jesus'
My sin and weakness, my doubt and sorrow,
Are lost forever in
sweetest rest.
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