Monday, September 9, 2013

Worshipping with Central Corps

The Corps Officers (pastors) of the Central Corps (church) at Bishan were away in Penang to join in the 75 anniversary celebrations there.

One of the cell groups was tasked to do the meeting at Central Corps. However the folk got approval from their pastor to invite me to give the message. So early Sunday morning Brother Vincent Tan was here to fetch us and our grandson to the meeting.

This time the group led the meeting. I had sent them an outline of my message early in the week, so they were able to choose songs that fit the theme. The group certainly took ownership and planned the whole meeting well.

It was a real joyful Salvation Army meeting. It blessed our hearts. Through the years I have participated in combined meetings with other churches. I have visited many countries. I have learned to appreciate the different ways and expressions of our faith. The differences in culture are often reflected in the different expressions in worship. I was told that in Ghana the folk would dance when taking up the offering and it could take up to 45 minutes just to take up the offering! That's not our way of doing things. We have our own culture.

One thing we have in common Salvation Army meetings are noted for spontaneity and joy. That was what we had on Sunday at Central Corps.

As mentioned in my previous posting, the band was away in Penang, so there was no band, but the worship team did well under the leadership of CSM Christopher Chen. It was a real Salvation Army meeting. The congregation sang heartily and at one stage marched round the hall!

Well, we were glad we were invited to join our many friends in worship in Central. When I walked into the hall, one lady rushed up to me and reminded me that my wife and I were present at her wedding 35 years ago.  She belongs to another church, but now attends the Central Corps regularly.

One Sunday, a couple of years ago, she was too late to go to her church, so she decided to attend the Army. We happened to be the visiting speakers. Since then she has been attending the Army.

We were pastors at Central from 1970-1974, then in retirement in 1997, took over the church for three months.  We have many friends and what a joy to see the dear people again. What a joy to see my former Sunday School kids, now middle age worshiping the Lord with their children and even grandchildren.

It did our hearts good to worship at Central on Sunday and to share the word with the people most of them we know very well. After the meeting we were invited to have lunch by two couples good friends of ours - Vincent and Carol Wong, and Vincent and Charlotte Tan.

We came home thanking and praising God for the wonderful time at Central and the blessings we received that day. We thank Him for bringing so many dear friends into our lives. To God be the glory

God bless Central Corps.

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